Digital Transformation Services

Digital transformation is the process of using digital technology to create or modify an organization’s operations to improve efficiency, culture, and experience. Learn what digital transformation services can do for your business or organization.

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Meet Your Digital Transformation Guide

Hi, I’m Nathan. I’m a content creator, marketer, manager, and strategist with 15 years of experience. I’m also a small business owner and passionate volunteer for multiple non-profits over the last 20 years.

This experience has given me a unique perspective on how to meet the essential digital needs of these types of organizations. When it comes to digital transformation my specialties are:


  • WordPress Website Creation, Optimization, and Maintenance
  • Online Content Marketing
  • Record Digitization
  • Product Documentation
  • Project Management
  • Standard Operating Procedures
  • Client Onboarding and User/Member Journey Design
  • Customer Relationship Managment (CRM) Software Setup
  • Employee or Volunteer Onboarding
  • Employee or Volunteer Training
  • Business, Marketing, and Organizational Analytics and Reporting

What Digital Transformation
can do for your Organization

Most small businesses and non-profits face common operational challenges. Creating and maintaining an effective website. Client, employee, and volunteer management. Project management, documentation, and standard operating procedures. Ecommerce, online fundraising, online marketing, email, and so much more. Collectively, these digital needs can be met with what’s called “digital infrastructure.” By creating, connecting, and maintaining a solid digital infrastructure designed specifically for your business or organization can turn these problem areas into strengths. As a result, your organization will experience…

Improved Efficiency & Productivity

By implementing tools that centralize your organization’s projects, tasks, goals, and objectives, it becomes easier to see who’s working on what and how long those tasks are taking. Automation can eliminate tedious repetitive tasks. And high-quality, easily accessible standard operating procedures decrease the time and effort it takes to train new empolyees or volunteers so they can make a bigger impact, quicker.

Improved Agility & Adaptability

Using outdated, fragmented, or improperly implemented technology is one of the surest ways to handicap your organization. In today’s internet, app, and AI driven world the people and organizations that thrive will be the ones who harness these tools to navigate our rapidly changing world and repsond to unpredictable events–such as Covid-19 or other unprecedented challenges.

Improved Experience (Internally and Externally)

When projects, tasks, and relationships fall through the cracks because you lack visiblity, time, resources, or the right tools for the job, the people who make up your organization, audience, customer base, and community experience frustration and dissatisfaction. Resulting in dimishing engagement, fewer sales or donations, and perhaps worst of all–an attitude of apathy towards your mission.

Greater Profitability

When it’s easier for your team to do their work, they get more done. When it’s easier for customers, members, or donors to engage, they do. When you can spot problem areas due to greater visiblity of the information that’s essential to your operations, you can address them before they drain your resources. All of this can add up to greater profitablity.

Reduced Expenses

When you understand and focus on what matters most to your organization, you’re not wasting money on unimportant initiatives. When you save time and resources, you’re also saving money. When fewer people can get more done, you’re saving money. 

Data-driven Insights

Nothing brings more clarity to decision making than reliable data. By tracking that data, creating easy to understand reports, and analysing the results you and your team will be able to make important decisions with more confidence. And, importantly, measure the effectiveness of those decisions and change course when necessary.

My Digital Transformation Process

My first job as your digital transformation guide is to understand your operational needs and recommend an ideal suite of digital tools and services to meet them. This begins with a top to bottom audit of current operations followed by a detailed report highlighting digital transformation opportunities. After reviewing the report together, if you want to proceed, we’ll create a plan of action and get to work creating the digital infrastructure your business or community needs to thrive. My full process is outlined below.

1. Free Initial Consultation

We’ll begin with a free initial consultation. This helps me get a sense of your needs. Additionally, you can decide if Digital Transformation services–mine in particular–are right for your organization.

2. Establishing Audit Scope

If we decide to collaborate, we’ll discuss your organization’s existing operations in detail. During this meeting we will outline everything our upcoming audit will cover.

3. Conducting Operations Audit

In this stage we’ll examine everything we’ve outlined in detail. I’ll document all existing technology and procedures as well as make notes on potential opportunities and recommendations.

4. Creating Opportunities Report

When the audit is complete I’ll compile the information gathered and create a report that highlights digital transformation opportunities across your entire organization along with my recommendations.

5. Reviewing Operations Audit

In this part of the process we review the report together and discuss the opportunities and recommendations in detail. The goal here is to understand where the organization currently is and what is ultimately possible in proceeding steps.

6. Digital Transformation Planning

Once we’ve decided where we want to focus our attention, we’ll agree on a specific approach/solution. After that, it’s extremely important that we plan exactly how we’re going to implement our solution.

7. Digital Transformation Implementation

In this stage we simply execute our plan with regular check-ins to ensure things are on track.

8. Digital Transformation Documentation

During and immediately after implementation we’ll document how to use your organization’s new technology.

9. Digital Transformation Training

After the first draft of documentation is complete, it’s time to train those who will be using your organization’s new technology. We’ll use these training sessions to refine our documentation into its final form.

10. Operations Reporting & Analysis

Each new tool and/or process will have been implemented with specific objectives in mind. Such as improving website performance, converting more customers, donors, paid members, etc. In this phase we’ll make sure we’re correctly tracking the effectiveness of your new technology and generating reports that make sense to you and your community.

Digital Transformation
Frequently Asked Questions

What is digital transformation?

Digital transformation involves leveraging digital technology to enhance efficiency, culture, and experience within an organization by either creating or modifying its operations. This can take many forms, depending on the specific needs of each organization.

My process is designed to make sure we identify all areas of your operation that can benefit from digital transformation. Then, starting in step six, we identify the highest priorities and the pace at which we’re going ot address them. This ensures that we’re always within your budget while working on the area of your business that are most urgent and can have the most immediate impact.

Why is digital transformation important?

By embracing digital transformation, organizations can unlock new opportunities, optimize operations, and future-proof themselves in an increasingly digital world.

What if my organization already has a website and other digital tools?

No problem! To determine if you could still benefit from digital transformation services all you have to do is ask yourself these questions:

Are we making the most of the tools we already have?

If not, that’s a good sign that there’s room for improvement.

When using our tools, do my team and I feel empowered or frustrated?

If you and your team are constantly in a state of un-empowered frustration because of everyday systems and processes, you’re not doing your best work.

Does everyone in my organization know how to use our essential tools?

If, at the very least, you do not have high quality, up-to-date documentation of your organization’s standard operating procedures and measuring the impact your digital tools are having on culture and productivity, then you’re not getting the most out of your existing tools.

Do the digital tools my organization uses seem to cost more than they’re worth?”

If the digital tools your organization is using don’t at least pay for themselves then you have a real problem!

Are there any digital tools you recommend for all or most projects?

Yes! There are three tools I feel most organizations can benefit from: WordPress, Notion, and Stripe.

WordPress is the world’s leading website building platform and content management system. When it comes to functionality there’s almost nothing you can’t do with WordPress for organiztions ranging from soloprenuers to enterprise operations. Furthermore, while it’s true there is a learning curve, it’s designed for non-technical users and has the world’s largest commuity of users, designers, and developers who can provide support and services.

Notion began as a note-taking application but over the years has evolved into a new class of no-code products known as Work OSs (Operating Systems). It combines the functionality of databases, spreadsheets, documents, and knowledgebases/wikis. It’s capable of functioning as a document repository, interal wiki or knowledgebase, project management software, client relationship software, and more–all in one place. It’s also highly extendable and deeply integrated with other essential business tools and platforms. Including, of course, WordPress and Stripe. The fact that its free for one primary user and up to eleven guests doesn’t hurt either!

Finally, Stripe is an integrated suite of payment products that power online payments, in-person point of sale payments, billing, invoices, payouts, and more. These user friendly tools can easily be connected to both WordPress and Notion as well as other essential tools and platforms.

What is the scope of a typical digital transformation project?

The scope of a typical digital transformation project can vary depending on the organization’s goals and objectives. However, some common areas that are often addressed in digital transformation projects include:

  1. Technology Infrastructure: Upgrading or implementing new technologies to improve operational efficiency and streamline processes.
  2. Data Management: Developing strategies for collecting, analyzing, and utilizing data to drive decision-making and gain insights into customer behavior.
  3. Customer Experience: Enhancing the customer journey by leveraging digital channels, improving user interfaces, and personalizing interactions.
  4. Process Optimization: Identifying and automating manual or repetitive tasks, eliminating inefficiencies, and improving workflows.
  5. Organizational Culture: Promoting a culture of innovation, collaboration, and agility to support digital initiatives and adapt to changing market dynamics.
  6. Talent Development: Investing in training and upskilling employees to enable them to leverage digital tools and technologies effectively.
  7. Business Model Innovation: Exploring new revenue streams, partnerships, and business models to adapt to the digital landscape and stay competitive.
  8. Security and Privacy: Strengthening cybersecurity measures and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations to protect customer and organizational data.

It’s important to note that the scope of a digital transformation project should be tailored to the specific needs and objectives of the organization, taking into account its industry, size, and current digital maturity level.


How much does digital transformation cost?

The cost of digital transformation projects can vary widely depending on the size and complexity of the organization, the scope of the project, and the technologies involved. However, it is important to note that while there may be initial expenses associated with digital transformation, organizations often recoup these costs through benefits such as faster turnaround times, improved efficiencies, and long-term cost savings.

The initial investment in digital transformation can range from the thousands (for small to medium sized organizations) to millions (for enterprise organizations). My services are best suited for small to medium sized organizations.

How do I get my organization's decision-makers on board with digital transformation?

Getting decision-makers on board with digital transformation can be a challenge, but there are strategies you can employ to increase their buy-in. Here are some key steps:

  • Educate decision-makers: Provide as much information and insights about the benefits of digital transformation as you can. Including improved efficiency, enhanced customer or member experience, and competitive advantage. Share case studies and success stories from other organizations in your industry.
  • Clearly communicate the vision: Present a compelling vision for the digital transformation initiative, emphasizing how it aligns with the organization’s strategic goals and long-term growth. Explain how it can address current challenges and unlock new opportunities. Booking a free initial consultation can jumpstart this process.
  • Show potential return on investment (ROI): Illustrate the potential ROI of digital transformation by outlining the expected cost savings, increased revenue, and other tangible benefits. Use data and analytics to make a persuasive case.
  • Address concerns and risks: Acknowledge and address any concerns or resistance from decision-makers. Offer solutions to mitigate risks, such as data security measures or increased accessibility to essential institutional knowledge; making your organization more resilient to sudden change.
  • Involve decision-makers in the planning process: Engage decision-makers early on and involve them in the planning and decision-making process. Seek their input and incorporate their ideas to ensure a sense of ownership and collaboration.
  • Start small and demonstrate quick wins: Begin with pilot projects or small-scale initiatives that showcase the benefits of digital transformation. By delivering tangible results and demonstrating success, decision-makers are more likely to support larger-scale implementation. This is something we would define during step five above.
  • Foster a culture of innovation and continuous learning: Encourage a culture that embraces change, innovation, and continuous learning. Promote a growth mindset and provide opportunities for decision-makers to stay updated on emerging technologies and industry trends.

Remember, building consensus and gaining buy-in from decision-makers is an ongoing process. Regularly communicate progress, celebrate milestones, and adjust your approach based on feedback and evolving organizational needs.