
Hi, I’m Nathan. I believe in the inherent value of learning. I use this site to catalog and share what I’ve learned, process what I’m experiencing, and build community around all of the above.
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My Most Recent Personal Updates
2023: 💩 Hits the Fan, A New Chapter Begins 🕮
Quitting your job to recover your health (especially in America where healthcare is a nightmare) is sort of like jumping off a cliff and hoping you’ll have your life sorted out before you hit the ground. So why did I do it?
Data Gardening: Cultivating your Personal Data’s Value–for You!
Data Gardening is the ongoing cultivation of your data’s value. In my case, data in the form of content on my website. For a start.
Resisting Data Economy Serfdom: My Personal Data Experiment
Data Driven Serfdom occurs any time a person is either required or manipulated into virtually existing on someone else’s platform and they are not given a fair stake in the value generated from their data.